
  1. 本工作坊名額有限,先到先得。
  2. 完成登記及付款後,請把付款憑單發送至本會電郵或whatsapp,並請參加者於工作坊報到時出示憑證(入數紙或收據),以便核對身份。
  3. 成功報名後不可更改至其他日期或工作坊,氹仔城區文化協會將不會向因任何情況向自行退出的參加者作任何退款,所繳費用將不予退還,相關費用亦不可用作任何其它消費用途。
  4. 若參加者因特殊情況未能出席,可預先通知本會,並可由報名者推薦人選取代。
  5. 如有爭議,氹仔城區文化協會保留最終決定權。


     Registration & Payment: 

  1. The seats of workshop are limited; reservation is made on first-come first-served basis.
  2. Participants are required to send through the payment record slip to our email or whatsapp upon successful transfer. Participants have to present the payment record when attending the workshop.
  3. Once enrolled, any requests on class or date change will not be considered. No refund for successful applicant(s) who withdraw from the applied workshop(s). The fee cannot be used for any other consumption purposes.
  4.  If the participant is not able to attend the workshop due to extenuating circumstance, the seat can be transferred to other recommended participant with prior notice.
  5. Taipa Village Cultural Association reserves the right of the final decision.

     Registration & Enquiries:  Should there be any enquiries, please give us a call at +853 2857 6116 or email to [email protected].